Privacy of Clients

All personal information of clients is private and confidential. OnPoint Business Plans (“OnPoint”) has adopted a privacy policy and has taken steps to protect private information and to ensure compliance with privacy legislation. In collecting personal information about you, we observe the following principles:
  • Matters of privacy are considered at the highest levels of OnPoint’s organization. All of our staff are informed of the importance of protecting the privacy of our clients. We provide client information for servicing, marketing and processing purposes to independent sub-contractorsand companies. These independent sub-contractorsand companies must enter into a confidentiality agreement with OnPoint that restricts the use of client information for specific purposes as intended, and prohibits the independent use of such information.
  • Limited Collection. OnPoint only collects the information it needs in order to deliver services to you in accordance with its obligations under the law.
  • Limited Purposes. OnPoint collects information in order to deliver the services and products that you wish. From time to time OnPoint may contact you regarding products and services that it believes may be of interest to you. However, unless required by law or unless we have your consent, OnPoint will never share or sell that information to any third party.We provide such information to trusted businesses or persons for the sole purpose of processing personally identifying information on our behalf. When this is done, it is subject to agreements that oblige those parties to process such information only on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
  • OnPoint seeks your consent to collect and use your personal information. Typically,OnPoint obtains this consent in the agreement you sign when you become anOnPoint client. You are free, at any time, to withdraw your consent. However, withdrawing your consent may limit the products and services that OnPoint is able to offer to you.
  • Limited Use and Retention. OnPoint uses your personal information only in ways that you allow. OnPoint keeps your personal information only as long as necessary or as required by law, whichever is less.
  • OnPoint seeks to ensure that the personal information that it collects is as accurate as possible.
  • OnPoint has imposed controls to ensure that your personal information is secure.

Privacy of Website Users

In addition, when you use this website,OnPoint may collect certain user information, such as which pages of the site you visit, which website you came from immediately before accessing the OnPoint website, and how you use this website. OnPoint uses this information to improve the user experience on this website.


Upon your first visit to our site, a cookie may be sent to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. A “cookie” is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. We sometimes use cookies to improve the quality of our service and to better understand how people interact with us. We do this by storing user preferences in cookies and by tracking user trends and patterns of how people search. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features or services of our website may not function properly without cookies.

Privacy Contact

If you have any questions regarding OnPoint’s privacy policy, or if you wish to have any of your personal information removed from OnPoint’s database, please contact us at 1-438-788-3651.